Pick Modules are one of American Surplus' specialties, bringing together every aspect of the material handling space including racking, shelving, conveyor, scanning equipment, workbenches, and oftentimes work platforms.
In this article, we will take a brief look at one of our recent pick module installations to showcase the features and benefits of installating a pick module in your facility.
Our most recently completed pick module is a three level, carton flow rack supported pick module covering 36,640 sqft of floor space. Internally, the system utilizes a carton flow design to take advantage of First In, First Out Inventory Control Techniques. Featuring dura-flow style polywheel skate beds, each 60" deep and four levels high persection, this carton flow array is optimized for dynamic picking operations.
Pallet drops and side gates (depicted in the drawing) provide floor access points exclusively to the second level. The third level of the pick module is a flat-top configuration secured by OSHA style handrailings. This "dance-floor" style level effectively doubles the usable floor space and provides a spacious platform where a picking and packing operation could be installed at a later time.
A Pick Module is a self-contained, multi-level system that provides a compact, organized, and high-throughput picking and packing center for your facility. The most elaborate pick modules can be made up of six components:
By choosing a pick module storage system for your facility, you unlock many key benefits compared to a traditional picking operation: