ASI carries a variety of manufacturers of used gravity roller conveyors. Some of the used conveyor we offer: Rapistan, Matthews, Automotion, Alvey, Bestflex, Hytrol, Omni, TWG, Roach, Metzgar, Bushman, and Ermanco gravity conveyor.
Gravity conveyor may also be referred to as: heavy duty roller conveyor, gravity roller conveyor parts, heavy duty gravity roller conveyor, gravity skate wheel conveyor, roller conveyor and non-powered conveyor
Gravity roller conveyor is a powerless free flowing conveyor system for transporting products throughout the warehouse. They can be set up at a decline to have products flow automatically from an area of high elevation to low elevation. They can also be set up horizontally for products to be manually pushed, which is ideal for areas where products need to be manipulated manually. Gravity roller conveyor is used with power conveyor to make a complete conveyor system.
Gravity conveyor comes in two styles: skate wheel and roller. Skate wheel conveyor is very lightweight and is used for medium to lightweight applications. It contains many individually turning “skate” wheels per row to transport product. This style of gravity conveyor requires very little pitch to transport products automatically but can only be used with products that have a flat bottom, like boxes, bins, trays, and totes. Skate wheel conveyor curves (45 and 90 degrees) can also be added to move products around corners or other obstacles within the warehouse.
Gravity roller conveyor is a little more heavy duty, and can also move loads either horizontally or at a decline. Roller conveyors allow for the transportation of products without a flat bottom, like pallets, and curves can also be added to the system (45 or 90 degrees). In addition to curved sections of gravity roller and gravity skate wheel conveyors, there is also flexible conveyor that comes in both roller and skate wheel. Flexible conveyor is also gravity powered, flexible around corners and other obstacles, and can expand and contract to custom lengths. This is ideal for setting up temporary conveyor lines near shipping and receiving areas to quickly and efficiently load and unload the trucks.
Why buy used? Most people these days are skeptical when they see a big price saving when buying used. All used conveyors are cleaned, inspected, and tested prior to being packaged and shipped. Any worn rollers or wheels are replaced, and used conveyor is backed by a 30 day ASI guarantee. If any parts are found defective, ASI will replace it with another pre-owned part.